BD Latest News

The SEC and FINRA are giving dually registered firms a heads up. Some firms' branch office inspections programs have been insufficient. So, when the regulators' ...
The jarring shaking struck just before the Tokyo Stock Exchange was due to close for the week. In the moments after the rattling ended, workers ...
Retail brokers at dually registered firms needn't wait for the SEC to issue a rule extending to them a fiduciary duty standard similar to the ...
There's no formal requirement that investment advisers maintain an anti-money laundering program but if you have one, you can bet examiners are going to comb ...
Brokers that regularly provide individualized investment advice to employment-based retirement plans from which they collect 12b-1 fees or commissions in violation of DOL rules are ...
There will be more people looking out for signs of financial fraud against seniors, under a new national initiative that aims to get doctors to ...
As the Senate moved closer toward a final version of financial regulatory reform, one Commissioner says the SEC could act on its own to bring ...
Businessman signed a contract agreement to invest together
A look at the B-D protocol
You could see them as a threat or an opportunity. They're broker reps who, for one reason or another, have chosen to leave their brokerage ...
Some suggest that a best practice would be to keep such logs in a WORM format - write once, read many - which doesn't allow ...

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