Despite opposition from SIFMA, the plan by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board to require MSRB members to retain certain records for at least four years, ...
A man who served as managing director for technology systems at FINRA, and another who was a contract computer programmer there, were among eight individuals ...
FINRA appears to have dropped a proposed provision that would have required you to subject internal training materials to the same approval and record-keeping requirements ...
You may wish to redouble your efforts to correct serious deficiencies found in your last SEC exam after recently announced enforcement actions from the agency. ...
The SEC and FINRA are giving dually registered firms a heads up. Some firms' branch office inspections programs have been insufficient. So, when the regulators' ...
The jarring shaking struck just before the Tokyo Stock Exchange was due to close for the week. In the moments after the rattling ended, workers ...
Retail brokers at dually registered firms needn't wait for the SEC to issue a rule extending to them a fiduciary duty standard similar to the ...
There's no formal requirement that investment advisers maintain an anti-money laundering program but if you have one, you can bet examiners are going to comb ...
Brokers that regularly provide individualized investment advice to employment-based retirement plans from which they collect 12b-1 fees or commissions in violation of DOL rules are ...
There will be more people looking out for signs of financial fraud against seniors, under a new national initiative that aims to get doctors to ...