MSRB Rule G-17 provides in relevant part that, in the conduct of its municipal securities business, every broker-dealer shall deal fairly with all persons and ...
Costas negligently submitted these inaccurate zip codes with Pinzon’s orders when he should have known that they did not correspond to Pinzon’s residence
The Commission’s risk assessment program will continue to focus on those broker-dealers and affiliates that conduct a substantial securities business and thus are in a ...
Tannen negligently disregarded that the Brokers would be conducting unauthorized trades in these customer accounts. Tannen was compensated $20,000 for his actions
BNPP was aware of red flags that indicated that the Hedge Fund might not be able to deliver sufficient shares
Based on this consultant’s findings and recommendations, SGAS implemented new controls and procedures over its EBS reporting process intended to ensure the completeness and accuracy ...
The SEC issues a slight correction of its swap recordkeeping rule for B-Ds
There is no ability for the customer to access the FDIC insured bank sweep account directly and/or without going through the broker-dealer
FINRA is uniquely qualified to provide the Commission with a familiar and consolidated platform for standalone SBSEs and bank SBSEs to file the FOCUS Report
The proposed amendments also will help to ensure that the Participants fulfill their obligations to deliver a functional CAT on a reasonably achievable timeframe