The SEC's proposed rule, released in June 2010, regarding changes in how target date funds are advertised. The changes would be designed to give investors ...
The SEC's final rule and interpretation, released in June 2010, amending disclosures related to municipal securities.
The SEC's proposal, released in June 2010, related to creating a consolidated audit trail that would, among other things, assist the SEC and SROs in ...
This is an SEC final rule, released in March 2010, that imposes a short-sale circuit breaker mechanism designed to curtail the problem of abusive short ...
This is a final rule released by the SEC in February 2010 affecting money market funds. It carries various compliance dates (S7–11–09 and S7–20–09).
This is the SEC's correction of its final rule on proxy disclosure enhancements released in 2010 (S7–13–09).
The SEC's final rule from December 2009 governing proxy disclosures.
A final rule from the SEC, released on Feb. 26, 2010, having to do with Internet availability of proxy materials (S7–22–09).
The final rule revising the Advisers Act to provide guidance to accountants who will conduct surprise exams and internal control reports in connection with the ...
The final rule revising the Advisers Act custody rule, released January 11, 2010 and taking effect March 12, 2010.