Social media posts made by influencers on broker-dealer's behalf "were not fair or balanced, or contained exaggerated, unwarranted, promissory or misleading claims"
Among other things, EXAMS may review whether and how Registrants have evaluated the potential impact of the final rules on their: (i) business activities; (ii) ...
The "biggest and most powerful" implementation being seen so far with AI is efficiency gains
When it comes to AI, the use of third-party vendors is the current, primary driver, making supervision critical
The FINRA AML enforcement action demnonstrates the SRO's practice of "progressive discipline"
The amendments expand the scope of entities subject to Exchange Act rule 605, and modify the content of order information reported
Come June 30, rule amendments aimed at improving the accessibility of order routing disclosures for NMS stocks will be in place
Broker-dealer was charged with failing to reasonably supervise the use of personal e-mails for business-related communications
Brief was filed against the SEC's approval of a CAT funding model deemed "arbitrary and capricious"
The Reg BI violations affected about 5,900 retail accounts, causing the clients to pay $936,000 more in expenses for substantially equivalent funds than they otherwise ...