CPO/CTA Rules & Regulatory Actions

Order also permanently bans Hunter from trading in the expiry in all CFTC-regulated products and from trading natural gas products during the daily close.
CFTC also finds other supervisory failures relating to enforcement of imposed trading limits, responding timely and accurately to a CFTC document request, and maintaining adequate ...
Chair Massad recaps what the Commission has accomplished or seeks to accomplish. "The first is that we must never forget the cost to American families ...
Zulutrade is a CFTC-registered Introducing Broker located in Piraeus, Greece.
The CFTC alleges this attorney didn't execute trades via a board of trade as required but that the firm never actually owned, possessed, or sold ...
No-action letter permitting, subject to certain conditions, commodity pool operators of certain commodity pools that are non-registered investment companies ("Parent Pools") that use wholly-owned trading ...
This exemption letter from the CFTC permits certain commodity pool operators from having to file Form CPO-PQR.
The CFTC acts to prevent the defendant from destroying books and records and to give it immediate access to them.
FirstRand and another foreign-based company prearranged noncompetitive corn and soybean futures trades.
Merrill gets hit for failing to diligently supervise its officers’, employees’, and agents’ processing of futures exchange and clearing fees charged to its customers.

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