A fair valuation request form, courtesy of David Hunt, that lays out a good procedure to substantiate valuation of a security.
Justice Department document filed in court March 15, 2009 seeking forfeiture of various property owned by Bernard and Ruth Madoff.
March 10, 2009 court document from federal prosecutors laying out case against Bernard Madoff.
March 6, 2009 court document that suggests Madoff will cop a plea in criminal case.
Copy of SEC sweep exam letter related to rumors.
A sanitized copy of an SEC exam document request letter from February 2009.
A tool to use for forensic testing. This is an ideal cover sheet for each test, courtesy of David Hunt of Dallas.
A copy of an SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations' sweep letter looking into firms' controls over custody.
The SEC's civil complaint against Bernie Madoff.
Internal documents from past SEC investigation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities.