The lack of any regulatory framework for sustainable strategies in the U.S. beyond the SEC fund-naming rule means managers will have a more difficult time ...
'The biggest area of enforcement that we continue to see is around private jets'
This new CFTC final rule requires a futures commission merchant to ensure a customer doesn't withdraw funds from its account with the FCM if the ...
Deutsche Bank Securities took more than two years to file SARs where the underlying AML investigation and subsequent SAR filing were prompted by receipt of ...
The adviser failed timely to distribute audited financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP to investors in pooled investment vehicles that it advised
The SEC adopts changes to the B-D net capital rule and customer protection rule to permit certain B-Ds that perform a daily reserve computation for ...
The complaint also alleged that Matson operated the program as a Ponzi scheme, using investor funds to pay promised returns to earlier investors
"Today’s amendments would change this requirement for the largest broker-dealers to daily computation rather than weekly"
"The rule the Commission is adopting today increases, for the largest broker-dealers, the frequency at which they must perform the reserve calculations"
"The adoption of the final amendments has been rushed in an apparent attempt to be promulgated prior to the end of the Biden Administration"