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Administrative Proceedings

in a newsletter emailed to Fund investors on September 8, 2016, Bruce inaccurately stated that he had “spent a great deal of time doing my ...
The count of the indictment to which Winstead pled guilty alleged that on April 1, 2014, Winstead, in his capacity as a Nationwide Insurance agent, ...
Respondents defrauded certain SJL advisory clients and at least one investor in SJL’s MarketDNA Hedge Fund LP (“Fund”) by misleading them regarding the nature and ...
In reality, First Picks was struggling financially and lacked cash flows to fund operations, making it a risky investment. It routinely required new investor funds ...
Rule 15Ba1-5 of the Exchange Act provides that a registered municipal advisor must promptly amend its SEC Form MA-I whenever any information becomes inaccurate for ...
The criminal information against Stancik alleged, among other things, that Stancik: (1) made false representations to his broker-dealer customers as to the use of their ...
This matter concerns the failure by VFM, a registered broker-dealer, to file Suspicious Activity Reports (“SAR” or “SARs”) for voluminous suspicious activity relating to the ...
Gibb also falsely reported fictitious amounts of assets under management in Forms ADV filed with the Commission, and falsely claimed Income Flood had been audited ...
Francis misappropriated the funds he received, spending them on cocaine, alcohol, strip clubs, and luxury items. When investors inquired or complained about the status of ...
Maxwell, among other things, obtained $170,000 from two of his elderly clients to acquire an unsuitable blockchain investment fund without adequately disclosing the nature and ...

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