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Administrative Proceedings

The Commission’s complaint alleged that Respondent misappropriated at least $7.9 million from at least 15 investment advisory clients by perpetrating a Ponzi scheme in which ...
Batchelor engaged in a fraudulent scheme by, in connection with an unregistered offering of interests in a fund to be managed by the investment adviser ...
The Commission’s complaint alleged that, from late 2013 and through at least the summer of 2015, Eikenberry, with others, perpetrated a fraudulent scheme in which ...
Nichter knowingly devised, and intended to devise, a scheme or artifice to defraud, and to obtain money, funds, and other property by means of materially ...
Respondent caused false and misleading representations and omissions to be made to current and prospective investors of a New York-based hedge fund (the “Hedge Fund”) ...
The Commission’s complaint alleged the following: (i) from March 2013 to February 2014, Scherr aided and abetted a scheme to defraud SLA’s investors; (ii) Scherr’s ...
Gathright admitted that between June 2010 and September 2011, he used his position at Merrill to cause companies maintaining annuities for his clients to issue ...
Gibson solicited and accepted approximately $169,348 from five investors. Instead of investing his clients’ money as promised, Gibson simply used the funds for his own ...
In the absence of such disclosure, Lightyear should have either allocated the proportional share of such expenses to the co-investors or borne those costs itself. ...
The Commission’s complaint alleged that, from March 2013 to February 2014, Burns, through SLM, acquired insurance companies and thereby obtained the ability to control the ...

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