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Administrative Proceedings

The Commission’s complaint alleged that, between March 2015 and February 2016, Jumper misappropriated approximately $5,700,000 from an employee pension plan by forging documents that purported ...
Dubiel, without giving notice to the affected clients, shared his First Allied confidential client account log-in credentials with Woodard. Dubiel knew Woodard was not registered ...
Nadel fraudulently induced clients of RIA to invest tens of millions of dollars in what he falsely represented as a liquid, cash management investment program ...
At least several of the largest (by share volume) Pre-Release Brokers that routinely obtained pre-released ADRs from JPMorgan during that period failed in many instances ...
Timbervest and the Division recognize that, according to Lucia v. SEC, 138 S. Ct. 2044 (2018), Timbervest would be entitled to a “new hearing” before ...
In March 2013, roughly three months after FC 2012 had concluded its investment in the Piney Cumberland offering, Lloyd provided the staff of the Commission’s ...
In reality, Black Diamond managed no marketable assets at the time and has never met the minimum requirements for investment adviser registration with the Commission.
This matter involves a registered investment adviser—Hedgeable—that disseminated false and misleading marketing materials and performance data. Hedgeable operates a “robo-adviser”: an automated digital investment advisory ...
Wealthfront retweeted certain tweets from its clients on its Twitter account that constituted testimonials, which investment advisers are not permitted to publish without required disclosure. ...
These proceedings arise out of improper mutual fund share class selection practices by registered investment adviser PPS and its majority owner, Lawrence Nicholas Passaretti. From ...

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