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Administrative Proceedings

APA failed to disclose that it and its investment adviser representatives (“IARs”) had a conflict of interest as a result of the additional compensation received ...
Baccam acted as an unregistered broker, by selling the notes while acting as a representative of Centaurus and not disclosing those sales to the firm. ...
Respondents mischaracterized the Fund as being “hedged,” when in fact the use of these new kinds of derivatives added risk. Respondents’ description of how the ...
These proceedings arise from breaches of fiduciary duty and inadequate disclosures by TFS, a registered investment adviser and broker-dealer, Parker and Hartley in connection with ...
The Trust PPMs, like the Four Funds PPMs, raised red flags that should have caused the Respondents, as associated persons of a broker-dealer, to conduct ...
Sterling, a registered investment adviser, made material misstatements and omissions to its clients and prospective clients in advertising the back-tested performance of the Sterling Tactical ...
Polese along with a co-conspirator misappropriated the retirement savings of two clients for their own personal use. The criminal information further alleges that Polese caused ...
The complaint further alleged that GTS assisted its customers – largely public pension funds – in handling large orders to buy and sell securities when ...
These proceedings arise out of the failure of Central States Capital Markets, LLC (“Central States”), a registered broker-dealer, (1) to file Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”) ...
These proceedings involve violations of the Commission’s “pay-to-play” rule for investment advisers by Respondent Ancora Advisors, an investment adviser. Rule 206(4)-5, promulgated under Section 206(4) ...

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