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Administrative Proceedings

EMS also committed additional violations by failing to make and keep true and accurate order memoranda and copies of all written communications sent by such ...
Browere engaged in a scheme to defraud numerous investors by, among other things, falsely representing the use of investor funds, the value of investments and ...
LWA’s compliance policies and procedures manual required investment adviser representatives to pre-clear and obtain written pre-approval before buying or selling most securities, such as ...
Buchanan engaged in undisclosed “cherry-picking,” a practice of fraudulently allocating profitable trades in an omnibus account to favored accounts, as an investment adviser representative ...
AOC failed to supervise Frank Dinucci Jr. (“Dinucci”), an associated person of AOC, who among other things, participated in a fraudulent valuation scheme including by ...
After Gonzalez joined AOC, during the Relevant Period, he knew that AOC traders, including Dinucci, were providing price quotes or marks to PPI on behalf ...
Respondents’ cherry-picking of profitable option trades financially benefited Beyersdorf and his wife and disadvantaged his clients. From October 2017 through April 2018, Beyersdorf and his ...
Conduct underlying the consent order occurred when Gillons was associated with a registered broker-dealer and investment adviser.
These proceedings arise out of BMO CMC’s improper practices with respect to securities lending transactions involving pre-released American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”).
Typically, a Depositary issues ADRs to a market participant that has delivered the corresponding number of foreign securities to the Depositary’s foreign custodian (“Custodian”). However, ...

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