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Books and Records
J.P. Morgan Securities employees often communicated about securities business on their personal devices and those records were not preserved
JPMorgan did not promptly produce business communications sent or received using unapproved communications methods to the staff in the course of Commission investigations. As a ...
Comments should be received on or before January 3, 2022
The Commission has proposed amendments to the electronic recordkeeping and prompt production of records requirements applicable to B-Ds, SBSDs and MSBSPs
"Broker-dealers cannot use static records for their own operational and compliance purposes, so many firms have two systems. Requiring broker-dealers to maintain a wholly separate, ...
"This proposal updates an electronic recordkeeping rule adopted in 1997. A lot has changed with respect to database management, among other technologies, in the last ...
This is an example of a form employees would sign annually attesting that they acknowledge receipt of compliance materials
One in five deficiencies linked to suitability, NASAA says
The correction affects swaps recordkeeping by broker-dealers and OTC derivatives dealers
A peer shares the RIA's compliance manual, complete with numerous P&Ps