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Client Communications

Here are two examples taken from recent DOE document request letters sent to advisers by the Division of Examinations and obtained by RCW
E-signatures are often used on private placement memos and subscription docs
A peer shares an example of a form a client would sign to authorize the release of financial information to a third party
A peer supplies an example of a checklist for items that should be in a new account's folder
Be sure your Form ADV, advisory agreements and your P&Ps agree on the source of the assets to be used in the calculation Be aware ...
FINRA will implement changes effective Oct. 1 to its private placement rules
This is an example of a consent form for a client to agree to permit the adviser to release financial information to a third-party
A peer shares the advisory firm's IM agreement
Richard Chen of Richard L. Chen PLLC in New York shares this checklist to help advisers when bringing on new clients
You may consider asking another adviser to represent the interests of one of the joint owners as you advocate for the interests of the other

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