Home Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Court orders Defendants to pay nearly $907,600 in equitable relief and a monetary sanction and permanently bars them from the commodities industry.
Commissioner O'Malia doesn't like that the spending plan would provides staff with increases to their compensation and benefits.
The CFTC also Charges Melody Nganthuy Phan with Fraud by an Unregistered Commodity Pool Operator.
This is limited no-action relief.
The Plaintiffs had alleged that the Defendants had solicited them to invest in a Veruus-managed forex trading account. The Denver Court also found Veruus liable ...
The charges allege that the defendants engaged in solicitation fraud and made false statements to the National Futures Association.
CFTC Separately Orders Travis Maurice Cox to Pay Restitution and Penalties to Settle Fraud Charges.
This scheme involved a telemarketing firm that solicited individual retail customers to enter into financed precious metals transactions in gold, silver, and platinum.
Prestige fraudulently solicited and accepted more than $4.7 million from multiple pool participants for investment in one or more commodity pools that traded commodities and ...