Home Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Until June 30, 2023 enforcement action won't be recommended against any person for a failure to comply with the IRS Clearing Requirement when making a ...
Until June 30, 2023, no enforcement action will be recommended for failure to comply with the trade execution requirement with respect to an IBOR-linked swap ...
image of different currencies, focusing on USD and yuan
These fallback provisions are designed to ensure that transactions that reference LIBOR will continue to function following the cessation or non-representativeness of LIBOR by providing ...
IAs, B-Ds and private funds all reluctant stars in FSOC report
A new guide to help with the transition to SOFR
A failure to provide the annual affirmation can result in the exemption being withdrawn
This and other actions by the CPO caused it not to “satisfy its duty of disclosure to participants and prospective participants,” which amount to fraud
By failing to adequately inform the investing public, during the period April 24 through May 21, 2020, of the specific constraints put on the fund ...
Ironically, the government will get a big chunk of the cash back because whistleblower awards are taxable
"My poor judgement was that I failed to review these internal reports daily and take note of the fact that the reports was [SIC] not ...

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