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Congressional Activity

"Several hedge funds lost significant money during these events. Though it doesn’t appear to have triggered broader market events, at least one fund had to ...
Her committee has moved to increase penalties for violations of the Investment Advisers Act; order the SEC to test the effectiveness of required disclosures issued ...
If confirmed, Bowes could serve until 2025
Her focus at the SEC has included investment management and she represented investment advisers as a private practice attorney
If certain rules are followed, the loan turns into a grant
The U.S. House has passed a $1.4 trillion budget that will give SEC Chairman Jay Clayton a free hand to implement Reg BI but that ...
During my time of service, it has been a priority to transform the CFTC into a 21st Century regulator for today’s digital markets. With ...
It is critical that the CFTC continues to work positively with its overseas regulatory counterparts, not just in the UK, but in all financial centers. ...
I will be pleased that I have furthered and confirmed much of the Dodd- Frank mandate for swaps. Where I have identified flaws ...
To create an interdivisional taskforce at the Securities and Exchange Commission for senior investors.

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