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If there’s one solid takeaway from the recent RiverFront enforcement action it’s to be as clear as you can in describing your step-out trades within ...
Investment advisers failing to disclose loans from broker-dealers to their clients are squarely in the crosshairs of the SEC’s exam and enforcement staffs. This message ...
In soliciting investments, Navarra provided investors with materially misleading private placement memoranda (“PPMs”). These PPMs (1) overstated Concert Global’s subsidiaries’ assets under management, (2) overstated ...
Concert Global Group Limited (“Concert Global”) and its CEO, Felipe Luna, raised approximately $2.2 million through unregistered offers and sales of its common stock to ...
This matter involves a registered investment adviser’s failure to disclose to clients that it received from a newly-engaged broker-dealer and registered investment adviser (“Broker-Dealer”) more than ...
This matter involves the failure of registered investment adviser Advantage Investment Management, LLC to disclose a loan of approximately $3 million, forgivable over a five-year ...
For the first time, broker-dealers would be required to disclose their handling of institutional orders to customers should proposed rules approved July 13 by the ...
RiverFront significantly increased its trading away activity during 2009 and early 2010. Consequently, trading away began to constitute a majority of wrap trading by volume, whether ...
Updating our regulations to remove overlapping or superseded provisions is unlikely to be viewed as cutting-edge, headline-grabbing work. But let that not be a reason ...
In addition to improvements in the reports provided to institutional investors, the proposal would require broker-dealers to provide quarterly reports regarding their retail order routing ...

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