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Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing

SEC found Deutsche Bank subsidiary made materially misleading statements about its controls for incorporating ESG factors into research and investment recommendations
Female football players falling after being tripped by opponent during match.
While the adviser trained investment professionals on the ESG Integration Policy, some in senior portfolio management positions were not aware of the ESG Integration Policy ...
SEC Commissioner Lizarraga
"We proposed reforms that would require funds and advisers to stand by their ESG claims, and accurately communicate to investors how they are incorporating ESG ...
Nearly half of firms weigh sustainability/social policy in portfolios, industry survey finds
Blue circuit board background of computer motherboard and magnifier glass with red zoomed virus zone. Investigation for cybersecurity.
Private fund advisers who hope the courts or voters will rescue them from an aggressive SEC are taking a big risk, compliance experts warned in ...
'Shockingly low' compliance budgets collide with regulatory demands
'Chair Gensler’s use of the SEC as a political tool is deeply concerning...'
ESG, planet, environment
To help achieve consistency, invite practitioners, compliance and the investment team to jointly weigh 'in on these policies so that they actually reflect what you ...
'Greenwashing' a target-rich environment
'Being reactive is no longer an option'

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