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"One significant concern relates to the potential for the SEC to adopt final complex rules with compliance dates in close proximity to each other"
"It may sound like I am exaggerating the scope required to make these disclosure standards work, but let us be clear about this: This effort ...
"The SEC’s current regulatory agenda is ambitious, with such an extensive list of proposals not seen since the 2008 financial crisis and the enactment of ...
Global finance means just that. If your firm has its sights on opening an office in Singapore, gain tips from a peer who’s traveled that ...
"It is important that any rate used to replace LIBOR be robust and not ill clad"
"The Commission currently is in the midst of an ambitious rulemaking agenda. Many of the recently-proposed rules are geared toward the asset management industry"
The "Commission noted that asset managers may engage with service providers with international operations and, therefore, generally should consider potential risks related to outsourcing beyond ...
"But investors are increasingly seeking and using climate-related information. Public and private funds, asset managers, index providers, among others, have demanded information on risks related ...
Overseas moves evoke challenges. Will the custodian reject the new address?
The proposal aims to give the market “added flexibility,” the CFTC maintains. It also summarizes global efforts to aid the transition away from LIBOR