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Market Structure

SEC Chairman Gensler
"We also benefit from both private and public markets. Private capital markets, such as venture capital, have brought new ideas to market faster and more ...
SEC Chairman Gensler
"The information reported to these systems, though, has not kept pace with changes in our markets and with technological advances. One area where I think ...
The sooner the parties have affirmed the trade information for their transaction, the lower the likelihood of a settlement fail because the parties will have ...
SEC Commissioner Crenshaw
"Unsettled transactions still carry risks, and the longer the settlement process, the greater the risks. Longer settlement periods are associated with increased counterparty default risk, ...
"Increased episodes of extreme volatility also implicate the need to reassess the settlement cycle"
SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce
"In all my years as a securities lawyer, I never thought that the day would come when normal people would want to have conversations with ...
"As the old saying goes, time is money. Shortening the settlement cycle should reduce the amount of margin that counterparties would need to post with ...
Rule proposals open private funds' year of living dangerously
"I look forward to staff recommendations that address their conclusions and areas for further consideration in the GameStop report"
The proposed shift addresses the current impact of Exchange Act rule 15c3-1 (net capital rule) on settlement timing, particularly on smaller firms

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