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You wouldn’t be faulted for being among many of us who will celebrate when this election season passes onto the pages of history. But don’t ...
An individual made a campaign contribution to an incumbent for elected office in the State of Michigan, which office had influence over hiring investment advisers ...
IA penalized $60K for running afoul of the Commission's pay-to-play rule
A staffer at the adviser "made a campaign contribution to a candidate for elected office in Minnesota, which office had influence over selecting investment advisers ...
"This case is yet another illustration of the overbreadth of the pay-to-play rule and another reminder of the way the rule hampers legitimate political participation"
'Draconian' rules handicap DeSantis, Burgum
Check out a peer's matrix for finding potential political contributions by staff
It’s been more than a decade since the SEC adopted its pay-to-play rule, yet violations by advisers continue to imbue compliance lessons
More than one in five cases involved fees, expenses or valuations