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Private Equity

Mark March 1 on your calendar if your firm manages a large hedge fund and April 30 if it operates a sizable private equity fund. ...
Not since OCIE Chief Carlo di Florio raised issues about private equity last year (IA Watch, May 14, 2012) have these advisers received a clearer ...
Joseph Massoud, the founder of buyout firm Compass Group Management settled insider trading charges the Securities and Exchange Commission had brought against him.
Attorneys and fund marketers predict that buyout shops, particularly those that market to wealthy investors, will take advantage of a proposed rule allowing them to ...
In speeches and a sweep letter, the SEC demonstrates it is moving determinedly toward eyeing private equity fund advisers for signs that clients are being ...
The SEC issued this no-action letter in reference to an entity that sort assurance it needn't register as an Investment Company fund.
We told you about the recent SEC FAQ indicating a private equity fund adviser that potentially could sell short or borrow large amounts would transform ...
OCIE officials have made no secret that they're going to set their sights on many of the newly registered private fund advisers (IA Watch, March ...
While OCIE won't divulge everything that goes into its risk assessment when picking out exam targets, director Carlo di Florio ticked off potential areas for ...
Last year NASAA put forth a model rule for states to exempt from investment adviser registration certain private fund advisers. This month Massachusetts became the ...

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