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Private Funds

The meeting was so important it warranted being broadcast to all of the SEC's regional offices, yet the doors were closed to the public.IA Week ...
Don't feel badly if this one failed to pop up on your radar screen. The IRS only recently has made clear that it expects hedge ...
An adviser has won round 2 in an ongoing legal battle with a damaged investor who claimed the firm failed to spot a Ponzi scheme ...
Despite some bills in Congress that would mandate the registration under the Advisers Act of advisers of hedge funds and other private funds (IA Week, ...
It's not a bet as sure as that a three-year-old thoroughbred will win the next Kentucky Derby, but odds lean toward future regulation mandating the ...
Creditors and counterparties that deal with hedge funds are conducting greater due diligence and tightening credit standards even as the funds disclose more, according to ...
Phone records are behind the SEC's first case involving allegations of insider trading of credit default swaps by a hedge fund. The agency has charged ...
Institutional investors have pushed hedge funds to become more transparent and adopt more compliance functions, increasing costs for funds. These expenses are only going to ...
More reporting to governmental regulators, "increased transparency of systemically significant positions and risk exposures," disclosure of short positions, new policies to fight naked shorting and ...
A new 11-page document from SIFMA offers advice for hedge funds interested in adopting anti-money laundering procedures. The Anti-Money Laundering Suggested Due Diligence Practices for ...

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