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Private Funds

Cast this act as almost Madoff-ian. The SEC has filed legal action against a hedge fund manager, claiming Grant Ivan Grieve went to enormous lengths ...
The ink's not even dry on proposed bills that would register hedge funds and analysts are already warning the legislation would catch many more entities ...
The House has a bill to consider - the Hedge Fund Adviser Registration Act of 2009 (H.R. 711) - to go with the one the ...
Many predicted hedge fund registration this year and a bill has been introduced in Congress - the Hedge Fund Transparency Act of 2009 - that ...
If you needed one more sign that the government's likely to mandate registration of hedge funds, consider a new report from the President's Working Group ...
IA Week has learned that FINRA has directed select broker-dealers to send it information to verify the level and scope of investment advisory and hedge ...
Picture this: A fund you're considering investing with uses an accounting firm you've never heard of. You hire a private investigator to stake out the ...
This no-action letter from the SEC in 2007 concerns so-called hedge clauses in client indemnification agreements. The SEC withdrew this letter in 2019.
Deloitte & Touche LLP: No-Action letter dated August 28, 2006 Investment Advisers Act of 1940 Section 206(4) and Rule 206(4)-2 August 28, 2006 RESPONSE OF ...

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