Home Trading


Click here to see an Excel spreadsheet from one of your peers that's called a Monthly Portfolio Compliance Report, and allows you to track trades ...
Perhaps it was the summer time but fails to deliver securities fell 25% compared with the second quarter of 2009, according to an IA Watch ...
While SEC examiners will inquire how your firm handles trade errors, there is no formal rule spelling out your obligations. However your responsibilities stem from ...
A good code of ethics contains a specific policy directed at personal trading. Enforcing your rules can be helped by asking the right questions with ...
A fair valuation request form, courtesy of David Hunt, that lays out a good procedure to substantiate valuation of a security.
If a trader produces more than one trade error a week or if a specific client's account suffers multiple trade errors within a few days, ...
Stock Exchange Concept
This is a rule governing short selling around a public offering
NFA Compliance Rule 2-9 requires NFA Members to meet the standards for security, capacity, and credit and risk-management controls that are set out in this ...
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION17 CFR Parts 200, 240, and 249RIN 3235-AJ02[Release No. 34-49928; File No. S7-05-04]Collection Practices under Section 31 of the Exchange ActAGENCY:Securities and ...

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